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Crafted With Rich, Buttery Tahini  

We use rich tahini paste to create plant-based ice cream with a creamy texture and bold flavors rooted in Eastern Mediterranean history and culture. Our mission is to offer you a superior, exceptional flavor experience and inspire you to explore other people and places while promoting healthier food choices for you and our planet.

Better for Your body. Friendly to The Planet. 

Plant-Based Ingredients  

All Natural 

Creamy Texture 

Crafted with Eastern-Mediterranean ancient essentials 


6 gr Protein Per Serving  

Good Source of Fiber, Iron, and Calcium. 

No Gluten Ingredients 

Exceptional Flavor Profile 

  Environmental Impact 

We use only plant-derived ingredients, and tahini, our key component, is made from sesame, a drought-tolerant crop that thrives where other crops fail. Sesame is cultivated without specialized equipment, making it accessible to farmers worldwide. It enriches the soil with nutrients, and its deep roots access nutrients other crops can't reach.

Our product's packaging is made with 35%  post-consumer recycled content, and at events where we serve scoops, we use only compostable cups and spoons.

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